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AlgoTrader Is Finally Getting a Frontend (Read 5038 times)
Andy Flury

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Posts: 16

AlgoTrader Is Finally Getting a Frontend
09/23/15 at 13:54:25
We are currently working on the development of a modern Frontend based on HTML 5.

The new Frontend gives you a very compact and well-structured overview of your trading strategies in real-time.

Our new Frontend will contain the following features:

  • Live Market Data and Performance, updated in real-time.
  • Tables showing current Orders, Market Data Subscriptions, Positions, and Transactions.
  • All tables will provide (multicolumn) sorting, grouping, filtering, column selection, scrolling and export to CSV
  • Highly interactive Order Placement Form with full-text search for instruments and configurable order presets.
  • Configurable Tiles located at the top of the screen showing general figures (like NetLiqValue, Unrealized P&L, Cash, etc.) .
  • Selectable View (either an aggregated view over the entire system or a strategy-specific view) .
  • Global menu/actions for account management, hedging, settings, etc.
  • All items are automatically updated in real-time based on live market data.
  • Display of Alarms and Notifications in case something unexpected happens.
  • Configurable layout (placement and sizing of widgets/tables on the screen).
  • The new Frontend can easily integrated into corporate IT infrastructures using firewalls, VPNs, and remote locations.

Our new Frontend is based on the following technologies/architectures.

  • HTML 5
  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • TradingView Chart component
  • STOMP over WebSockets
  • RESTful web services

Please do not hesitate to send an email with your suggestions to info@algotrader.ch or visit us on http://www.algotrader.ch
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